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OT Week

Did you know, this week was OT week?!

This is an annual global celebration of Occupational Therapy to promote OT and the positive impact this can have. This year's campaign title is The Power of Occupational Therapy – Transforming Health and Social Care.

This week, the OT team have been talking to students about Occupational Therapy, the importance of OT to them and finding out what occupations are important to them. Here are some student quotes and a poem on the importance of OT to them.

“I've seen that OTs give people a different perspective to the world and that brings a happier outcome. Many people that I've met that struggled with the same problems as me have always had an amazing result of feeling less worried about a thing they struggled with before because OTs always find a way to make you feel accepted in the college.”

“Many OTs have helped me become a more confident person because they helped me accept what I can and can't do and made it possible for me to achieve in my own ways. OTs will always listen to anything you will have to say which makes it easier to talk about what you need to”

“OT helps me in some rather useful ways such as: anger, mental health and wellbeing, Zones of Regulation, cooking, money, travel with Southern Vectis and how hard I put something down or move things”