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Speech and Language Therapy

On entrance to St Catherine’s Post-19 Provision, our therapists conduct in-depth assessments to map the young adults strengths and needs in speech, language and communication. Speech, language and communication needs are often referred to as a ‘hidden disability’ and the in depth assessment enables parents and carers and the young person to understand their needs fully, often for the first time.

Each young adult receives a combination of the following intervention delivered by a speech and language therapist or a speech and language therapy assistant:

  • individual therapy sessions;
  • paired or small group therapy sessions;
  • group communication sessions at least once a week;
  • support and resources within the residential houses and with families;
  • liaison with the young adult’s education provider to ensure they are able to access the college environment and the course content;
  • functional based communication sessions within the local community; and
  • specialist support such as high-tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices and Symbolised resources.

Therapy sessions for the Post-19 service focus on functional skills and strategies for managing lifelong language needs. There is an emphasis on developing the communication skills and communication confidence needed to lead a safe and independent adult life. Therapy targets problem solving, decision making, independent learning, workplace communication and self-advocacy skills. Sessions often present differently to those with younger students, often taking place within the local community and practising strategies to manage functional tasks, such as phone calls, appointments and interviews, which the young adults encounter as they engage more widely with college, mainstream peers, the workplace and the community. This is to ensure they leave as independent as possible.

Every young adult within the Post-19 service receives an annual review report written by their speech and language therapist. The young adult will complete re-assessment when they come to move on from the Post-19 service to help inform their next decision and support their transition.